It is said that all manner of things live just beneath the surface of Waterdeep, and those that live even deeper are the things that make legends and nightmares real. It is these tales of demons and wizards that will be told time and again within the Yawning Portal as those that have seen the depths of Undermountain, and those that wish they had, share their stories. This is one such story where a group of adventurers strayed too far, and fell away from this realm for a time. The adventurers stepped forth into the next chamber and as the ceiling opened up it seemed to give way to the vast expanse of space. Gurgan the dwarven fighter shouted to the group “Aye, kinna have stars this deep in tha ground!” They were yelling because the rush of water echoed throughout the chamber. It was then that they all noticed the massive system of waterfalls across the chamber from them.
As the group started to move towards the waterfalls a figure began to rise from the pool below them. The adventurers set into motion like a well-oiled machine knowing the roles they would each play as they had done hundreds of times before. The figure seemed to be a mess of styles and clothing. Their cape seemed to be made from giant butterfly wings, and their headdress was that of a wolf. Before anyone could react to the scene before them the figure had drawn a wand and cast their hand towards the group. It seemed like the stars in the sky came to their beck and call. The party tried to move and fend of the falling stars, but nothing would deter their descent. As it touched each of the adventurers they disappeared, and felt as if they were falling upwards and into blackness before landing in a place completely unknown and wholly foreign to them. It would be decades before they were seen in this world again.
With those bits of lore out of the way, it’s on to the album! For this one I am taking a look at the fourth studio album by British rock band Uriah Heep. Inspired by the news of Undermountain making its way to 5th edition I set the lore beneath the city of Waterdeep, and thought of the mad wizard Halaster being the person in the album cover. If that is Halaster then we need a big spell to fly from his hands! With that in mind I give you Astral Dismissal!
Link to Mechanical Stuff pdf:
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Shout Out: This time my shout out goes to Dan Dillon an awesome designer and inspiration! Check out literally anything he has done and you will be better for it. I have the privilege of having him in a live stream set in Undermountain, and you can listen to those games HERE. Not to mention, he is one of the designers on Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage!