Not even the two wizards, Daidar and Duaran, really know why they started having meetings with these goblins, but that does not change the fact that they kept having them. After years of work, they began to establish a tenuous relationship with the goblins, and eventually the goblins began to learn the art of Booyahg magic. They felt the power that magic gave them, and knew that others from their tribe would want this power too. The goblins selected their successors for generations, and eventually formed a tribe structure completely outside anything that had happened before.
They built their system and began to roam the world over teaching other goblins the way of the Booyahg magic to help better their race. This was not the only thing they needed though, as they needed protection as they traveled the countryside. They also began to train goblins of their own and created a Bruiser caste to protect them on their travels with reckless abandon.
Diadar and Duaran realized the error in their ways and have started a campaign to take back the magic that is so deeply embedded into the goblin race because of their ambitions. They cannot seem to get ahead of the spread though, and have begun to seek help from any who will take up the call.
With those bits of lore out of the way, it’s on to the album! For this one I am taking a look at the fifth studio album by the English rock band Magnum. I knew I had wanted to make a subrace, so I went on the hunt through the album covers I had been saving to use and this one jumped out at me. It was even better that it was golbins! Took a little thinking, but here are a Booyahg and Bruiser subrace for you to use!
Link to Mechanical Stuff pdf:
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Shout out: Huge shout out to Into the Odd a truly inspiring system that you should take a look at and steal from the second you get a chance! “A rules-light, flavour-heavy roleplaying game of industrial horror and cosmic strangeness” it has been the inspiration for different versions that vary wildly which is always a great sign that the original holds something special.